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(1 edit) (+1)

So how long should the confirmation email take for the steam key. its been 1h 30min. should i be worried


It should be pretty quick. Does it allow you to send it again?


so I have tried it multiple times and no result. When the update came I got the notification on my email. But when i try the steam key it doesn't work. When I verified my email (before the steam key) I got the notification. And when I click get steam key it says that the email address is myemail@gmail.. so help

(1 edit) (+1)

Is something like this happening (from this guide):

Troubleshooting: When I open the link to get my Steam key itch displays a 404 error.

Solution: This will happen if you open the link in a browser that is not logged in to your itch account.
Ensure you're logged in to itch and try again.

(1 edit) (+1)

Update everybody: WE FIGURED IT OUT! It was an issue with the email address. Most other players' emails are probably formatted fine, so if you're having trouble it's likely one of the issues in the troubleshooting guide instead:


Could you try from another browser? Make sure you're logged in to itch, request the key on that browser, open your email and verify it on that browser, and click to get the key again?

Make sure it's not in Incognito / Private mode etc, as that could stop itch from knowing it's still you.

Let me know if that works! If not please email me and we can try to figure it out. If you know how to take screenshots you can email us what you're seeing as well.