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This was such a weird, but interesting game... I liked it! The ambiance and the visuals are all so on point! It looks like it came from a PS1 era game (a lot of those games back then were also kinda abstract and weird, which really adds to the experience). The music was absolutely well done too, it really pulls the whole unsettling vibe together, so good job on that! For gameplay, there were some issues that made it hard to play. There were some souls in the game that refused to take the items I got for them which prevented me from playing the game. Also I feel that the camera rotation is a little bit too fast, and could be slightly slower for people to easily look and see where they want to go. I also haven't figured out what the point button was supposed to be used for during my time with the game, so it would be great to get an explanation of that beforehand. Overall, this was such an interesting experience! I have yet to play a game like this in my time of voting during this jam, so it was refreshing! I had fun playing it and hope you had fun with the game jam too! Great job!


Thank you so much, that means a lot! I'm  gonna try to fix the souls that are not taking the item ,  and I definitely had a ton of fun with this game jam. I hope you had an equally fun experience making your game! :)