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Great entry! The visuals were really good, and combined with the music it definitely gave me the vibe of old PS1 sports games.

It sometimes felt a little unpredictable which direction the dude would lean; I'd sometimes be mostly balanced and suddenly jerk to the right or left when there wasn't a very strong curve. I think I might just not have the feel down yet.

It would be cool to see this extended with an infinite/procedurally generated mode or with bonuses or powerups you need to lean dangerously far to collect.

Great work for 72 hours!


Hey thanks. I think you really hit the nail on the head with the unpredicatability... I have a build staged here which will go live on itch when rating ends and which does it's best to smooth out those rough turns.

I also think going procedural could be extremely powerful. And with some recent upgrades to the rail editor, I think this might be achievable in the near future.

If you are interested in doing any development for Rail Rider, please feel free to check out the github