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Sweet idea with a really nice mood with the surroundings and the music. 💜

Does the name for the bird read the name from my computer user or is it just coïncidence that it shares my name‽ 🤯

Unfortunately never got any messages myself, but it still felt nice sending my own out there, imagining someone will receive it. C:


Thank you! You probably didn't get any messages because none have been sent today, but thank you for sending some! Oh, and the bird is named Ava because I thought it was a good idea for a bird, would have been kinda creepy to read it from the computer user name.

Haha, well, it did spook me! 😅 Guess I'll check in again later today to see if there are any messages to be found!


Cool! You might have your some of your own messages pop up when you join in later,  there's still a few bugs with getting the messages that I didn't have time to sort out