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Hi and thanks!

As usual, I'm like super late when it comes to replying to posts.

About the E and F keys, I've seen both used to pickup weapons in games, but yeah, anyway, I'm supposed to add a control customisation option sometime in the future :-D

Y'oure not the only one asking for a hardcore mode without the time bending mechanic, but the game would be a simple top down shooter without it, I mean, that the whole point of the game, having a that time mechanic. The inverted time mechanic is interesting, I'll keep that in mind, thtat might be cool to test this and really hard to implement.

So far the game is made with Construct 2, but I'm taking some time off the dev to try and re-code everything in Unity because Construct isn't well suited for a few things I'd like to to.
Good luck with Unreal :-D