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Hey Fren! Mochi here.

Nice to sea you Fren! Mochi glad you enjoy gaem.

With all the social-distancing go'in on, had a bit more time to mess around with cut scene art. Even used tablet instead of mouse. Wouldn't quite call it heck'n master work, but maybe a bit more effort. Glad you notice!

Music was custom made by the cool fren "nic3core" ( If you like'n it, check out their work.


I see. I suppose all these quarantine and stuffs really left some people with more free time, which can be used to do sth productive.

As for music, for now I prefer to try to compose for myself... I mean, I have bought FL Studio for $199 after all -- but I think I will keep that in mind

BTW I'm hosting a game jam next month. If you're interested please do join ;)

Hooman gibe up on composing music long ago, sadly. But heckin respect for those who can!

Tempting jam! Mochi will send message hooman's way! Perhaps if they have time, they step out of Jammie-verse for a bit.