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Eldar already gave lots of good feedback about the game which I agree with.

Nice to see an application of Osnowa in HoM&M-like game.

Still waiting for your feedback regarding usage of this tool ;)

By the way if you want to enable Fog of War in Osnowa, you just need to change the switch in ModeConfig asset to Undiscovered.

Thanks for the framework! Almost felt like cheating having all those things implemented already. I could have probably made much more with this, but I had spent like 3-4 days just wrapping my head around ECS structure since that's my first encounter with it.

My game is not similar to HoMM at all. It's not modal (combat is not a separate game mode). There is no castle building, no various resources, no units, etc. So the only similarity is walking around the map and even that is different. Although I had planned some features about building the castle and various units (used as abilities/consumables), it'll probably have to wait until next game.