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(1 edit)

Holy fuck. My computer got kinda screwed but I had it fixed thankfully, however I had to get to wiped so I lost my data but that meant I got to have fun with the new gui and graphical changed so partial win? But also meant I had a reason to do the other lizard tribe route, I felt terrible after hearing what rhot said and kinda deserve whatever's coming but I also did another save where I save the leader lizard however what I'm mainly intrested/scared of us that mysterious person.... HOW DID THEY DO WHAT THEY DID! Like no one else has ever done anything like that and also I caught up to the werewolf story quickly and I saw.... Certain things which make me suspicious of what going on next and I'm kinda afraid of how they'll react if I'm right...

That's a lot of emotions :P Yeah, bad ending lizards have some secrets of its own. And about werewolves, well, you will see in the next update ;)

Wait will they appear during the good lizard tribe route?

Werewolf story have nothing to do with lizard story, so no matter what ending you had for lizard, you still will have the whole werewolf side story. The only thing that matters is if you have normal Logan or bottom Logan (The story is more complex for his normal route)

no I meant the mystery person not the werewolves sorry lol


The mysterious person will appear eventually anyway, so even in the good ending. Just in different situation.

I wonder how othra and roushk will react to them.... Maybe they know them!

(2 edits)

Wait I was thinking again will they do what they did in the bad ending? Wait are we the only ones susceptible to their ability or are Othra and Roushk and the other lizard affected too? Was the barrier protecting them from the lust curse protecting them from them as well?