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Hey! I couldn't get the game to run properly on my machine, but one of my partners did and wanted to leave you his feedback:

"good first attempt. keep it up.

The level is kind of long and you have hp and I found that due to how tall some of the objects were that the insta kill pits could come out of nowhere if you fell down from some of the mountains, so I would recommend having spikes that deal damage there or something akin to that instead.

I liked that there were secret paths even if some of them didn't really lead to anything.

Going on down slopes was awkward due to how you would just fly off of them.

People have talked about the ai enough; with how slow the attack was, I just ignored the skeletons mostly, there was nothing really keeping me from jumping over them.

The extra movement tech in the game like the wall jump and the increased jump from going up slopes was interesting, but also didn't really fit the flow of the level overall. I think they could work more if you made a more vertical level than horizontal and truly implemented them as feature rather than as a pby-roduct of missing edge cases.

You did it though. Its dope."


Do you know why it didn't run properly? Is it something that I need to fix?

Thank you for the feedback! My inspiration for the level was Mario so that's why the pits would make you restart, but since you had to fight the skeletons I wanted a health system. Yeah the down slopes I would like to fix, and I hope to be able to build on this for my next platformer. :) Yeah I agree the wall jumping isn't built right for the level, but it technically was a bug that I decided to leave in for the fun of it so the level wasn't originally built to use it, but I added extra paths that required you to use the wall jump and velocity of slopes to reach them, so as to help make them more of feature, but I definitely understand what you are saying that they would work better for a vertical level. Thank you again for trying the game and for the feedback! :D