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(1 edit)


Just found this:

There is an issue with saving custom keyboard binds on localized Windows version (or on localized keyboard layouts). Manual keys mapping is required.Mouse buttons and scrolling wheel is not assigned to any action.

So I guess this always was an issue on newer Win versions, I just forgot about it, because I haven't touched key configuration for years.
(So I guess you won't be looking into this nolf bug, seeing as you moved over to nolf2 modernization?)

I tried the "+windowed 1" command line parameter from the linked page for the issue I mentioned in the other comment. But apparently modernized is incompatible with it because I got an MFC client error and failure to start the game.

Odd! Yeah I assume the engine must have been recompiled to work better with other languages. I unfortuantely don't have any engine souce code (otherwise I'd fix so much more.) So I can't actually fix any of these issues. 

Your best bet is to wait for a legal re-release and hope whoever handles that manages to do some engine improvements!
And odd that you're getting windowed mode crashing, because I pretty developed the mod using exclusively windowed mode. This engine is really buggy with certain machines, so it might be related. I'm sorry!

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I see. Well, I'm better off waiting for heaven coming down to earth than for a legal re-release...

Any chance you might consider some of the improvements I mentined to the jukebox at some point?

I'm currently busy working on NOLF 2 Modernizer. Also the tech behind the music DirectMusic is deprecated and pretty hard to work with. I'll take a look if I happen to do some more fixes for this mod, but can't promise anything! 

Okay. Thanks.


About this: I think the main theme section is missing one item, intensity 3 in the text file (amb1.sgt, amb2.sgt, etc)

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Also, It looks like in the GOTY section the Investigate music transitions into Ambiance after one iteration and stays on that.