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(1 edit)

I really like the concept, but I feel the levels are slightly to tight/cramped for it to really shine. Much of the time I had to just go in randomly and scout ahead, because trying to figure out the layout of objects and avoiding the monster at the same time is a bit hard :D

Loved the visuals and the areas though. The way things looks really works well.

With slightly more space and fewer tight corridors this could be a really cool thing! Want to see more in the future!

Nice video ! Losing a little bit the player by figuring out the environment and where the monster is, is actually the whole point of the game :)

The game was made in 48 hours, so yeah, the level design is not the best you can get, it can be tight sometimes. If we make a bigger game, it won't like that we think.

ah fair enough! It''s a really neat concept so I'm hoping to see more from you guys in the future! For a 48hr game you really did a good job with the game mechanics and atmosphere