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This is a great submission, I just figured I'd nitpick a bit since most of the other comments are overwhelmingly positive.

The connection to the theme is a stretch, but the game itself is pretty good. One of the only 3D games of the jam where I can actually tell what's going on at such a small resolution. The dithering effect used to imply half-tones worked well and definitely succeeded in faking depth where many other games did not. The fact that you managed to make anything 3D playable without breaking the resolution or binary color palette is pretty impressive.

The music became very grating very fast since it uses a lot of the higher register of the already incredibly high pitched nokia sound chip. I would've much preferred silence with the occasional sound effect when picking up a dot.

The difficulty curve is pretty rough in this game. Being able to continue in a mostly straight line without ever meeting your tail makes the game ridiculously easy at the start. The tail only really comes into play around 40 or so, and once it is finally long enough to start blocking you the difficulty picks up very quickly. The obstacles are the only thing providing any challenge whatsoever up to this point, but once the player has to start worrying about the tail it becomes a bit too much to handle both at once and the difficulty goes up exponentially from there. The houses and trees are very tall and easy to spot from a distance, but the tail is very short and is barely visible until you're almost about to ram into it.