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Haven't played much of the games this type, but the attacking felt really confusing. Even when I felt that I pressed the button on correct time, nothing happened. Also, you can only attack if moving right making it even more confusing with the small game area and strict controls.
Perhaps I just need more practise.

The music was really cool, though. Maybe the sound effects were a bit unnecessary since all the focus is on the music and it's rhythm?

Thank you for your feedback!

Sorry to hear that it felt confusing, we didn't really have time to include a proper tutorial, so we just hoped players would be familiar enough with this kind of mechanics to figure it out themselves.

Only being able to attack after pressing right was our attempt at including a strategy/puzzle element. It does take a bit of practice to get used to, but we do believe it makes the gameplay more interesting!

As for the sound effects, they were meant to act as a sort of percussion to the music, since the actual music track does not have any percussion and only uses Nokia samples. Even the constant beat that you have to follow is made with a sound effect!


Ah, I see what you are going for with the sound effects. I didn't just notice that while playing, but I'll try again.