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Not sure I was playing it right, I couldn't get very far. But interesting game!

  • More visual and audio feedback is much needed. I often restarted either not knowing where I went wrong, or noticed my bars were low too late to do anything about it.
  • I understand you were going simple with the visuals, but when your gameplay is all about placing squares on a grid, the game is pretty disengaging with lack of anything interesting happening on screen. Maybe have some people walking about the rooms? Could do with some bunker decoration rather than white space.

Thanks for the feedback! The resource bars do blink when they get to zero, but some player feedback when they are getting low would indeed be a great addition. Perhaps even using the corresponding room type in the bunker itself. I couldn't add people walking around in the bunker due to the time limit, but I will definitely add them in the post jam version to lively up the place (maybe some bugs as well).