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This is a really cool concept! It seemed not quite put together, though: twice in a row I did a "place" bet, and my choice won 2nd, but I didn't win any funds.

But still, the voice commentary is really excellent! Though, I didn't see any in-game credits, which I thought was a requirement. 

Overall, really nice work!

(1 edit)

Wow, I never saw a failure of the bet calculation in my testing!  Are you sure you hit Return after typing in your bet?  I suspect some people are pressing some digits and then hitting "Start Race", which probably doesn't work...   (And of course if that's the case, I should fix it!)


Ohhhh yeah that might exactly be what happened! I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything but click "start race" after I entered an amount. However, the amount I entered *did* appear next to the dragon that I bet on.