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A member registered Jan 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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I don't think it was working for me.  When I played it, it was just a box, and whenever I click it says "+1".  I clicked a bunch of times, and that was it, nothing else ever happened.  There was no total shown, so it wasn't apparent that it that this +1 was actually adding to anything.  I certainly never saw any flowing lines, morphing shapes, or other features claimed in the description.

If that stuff does exist, you need to make it appear a lot faster!

Hmm, I see other players were able to play this so maybe it just didn't work right on my machine.  The game would start, I'd see some eyeball in the distance, I'd try (using WASD) to line it up for a shot, but within a second or two it would just say "GAME OVER".  Sometimes giant pixely eyeballs would flicker briefly into view before that happened.  But I tried like six times, and I don't think I ever actually blew anything up.  So either I really suck at it and never figured out how to play, or it just wasn't working for me.

Took me a little while to figure out how to play — please add "right click" to the instructions below the game, as everything else is keyboard-based and I didn't realize the mouse was ever needed.  Luckily I saw something about it flash by in-game — but I couldn't figure out what was triggering the in-game instructions, what made them go away, or how to make them come back,  so I think I missed most of them.

In the shop, it should show you how much money you have.  I found it disorienting to have to exit the shop (by moving away) in order to check my balance.  Also, there was no feedback when clicking the shop buttons, so it was really hard to tell that it was doing anything.

Is there an ultimate point to the game?  I did manage to grow and harvest some crops, earning money which I could use to buy more seeds to grow and harvest more crops... but as all this requires a lot of manual running back and forth, it didn't feel like I was really gaining much in the process.

Yikes, this game is hard!  My final score was 14.  I had a really hard time hitting anything at all with my rocket trail, or controlling where my ship went for that matter.  Spent the whole time basically just thrashing around.  I thought the idea of destroying things with your exhaust was good, but in practice it didn't feel fun.

What is that "knocking" sound that seemed to be going on all the time meant to indicate?

Not bad!  It'd be nice if the spaceships were at different levels vertically, so you had to aim up/down as well as left/right.  And it's a little hard to tell what's going on with spaceships sneaking up behind you... some sort of minimap might help.

But the basic idea is fun, and I really liked the particle effects when the ships explode.  Nicely done!

Nice game!  A good old-fashioned rocket physics game in the tradition of Lunar Lander, but with a fun delivery theme.  I like it!

Cute game!  The wall jump worked really well (I hope that wasn't too hard) and the dialog was fun.  The difficulty and length were just right for a game jam, too.  Two suggestions:

1. I did sometimes have trouble getting the dialog to open.  Maybe you could make it more forgiving?

2. The guy who opens the door continues to say "get me the codes and I'll open the door" even after you've already done so (and he's already done so).  Would be nice to change his dialog at that point.

Overall though a fun game.  Well done!

Cute game!  The wall jump worked really well (I hope that wasn't too hard) and the dialog was fun.  The difficulty and length were just right for a game jam, too.  Two suggestions:

1. I did sometimes have trouble getting the dialog to open.  Maybe you could make it more forgiving?

2. The guy who opens the door continues to say "get me the codes and I'll open the door" even after you've already done so (and he's already done so).  Would be nice to change his dialog at that point.

Overall though a fun game.  Well done!

Nicely done game.  I did get stuck pretty early on — right after picking up the jetpack; I found I could dash up, but still couldn't get from the first platform to the second one to get out of the pit.  So, that was the end of the game for me; not sure if there is meant to be more after that or not.

But the animation, graphics, and sound were all pretty polished, and it has a nice Metroidvania feel to it; seems like it could be the start of a very engaging game!

It's a good effort.  I found the collision detection was a little spotty; my shots often went through the aliens.  And often the game seemed to end suddenly, as if enemy shots were just spawning on top of me.

But, for a scratch game, it's not too bad!  I can see it has potential.

(Next time consider giving Mini Micro a try!  I think you'd really like it.  😁)

I think auto-landing in a cannon is intentional — you just press Z to exit the cannon and walk around to see the notes on that planet!

Neat game!  Reminds me of "Outer Wilds".  This is one I may come back to and play more later!  (And a Mac build is always appreciated, though it seems to run fine in the browser!)

Just realized you may have tried it when it was in a broken state (I failed to upload the game files properly).  Normally you wouldn't see the Mini Micro console unless you break out of the game with Control-C.

Try the reboot command, or just refresh the page.

In case any devs are still thinking about what tools to use — or want to stretch their legs by trying something new — please consider giving Mini Micro a try!  It's a free neo-retro virtual home computer, and while it supports a much higher resolution display, if you scale it down by a factor of three, it comes out just about right (see this blog post for details).

For controls, I would recommend using the `input.axis` method to get directional input, which lets the user use WASD, arrow keys, or a d-pad if they have one.  For button input, check for several different keys and buttons as shown in this example, so that again, they player can use either keyboard or a d-pad to play.

Good luck to the participants, whatever tools you use!

Neat!  I made it to level 11 (score 930)!

I love the screen shake every time you hit something, and the way the wizard flips smoothly from one side to the other (he's a very 2-dimensional character, isn't he?).  The vibe is nice and chill, though the action gets pretty hectic quickly.  You nailed the difficulty curve perfectly — I had time to figure out the controls before it smoothly ramped up.  I never felt bored.

I know you had ambitions to put in more features, but honestly this is not a bad effort at all, especially considering you did it in less than a day!  Great work!

Fun concept!  So simple, yet not easy.  I lost the game, mostly because I wasted a lot of time rechecking my inventory for a scroll that wasn't there (I didn't realize at first that this could happen!).

The adventurer graphics are cool, and the dialog is engaging.  There are some ways it could be improved (like word wrap for the long dialog messages), but I know this was your first Mini Micro game — I think you did a great job!

Neat!  Took me a while to figure out how to play.  For future players:

Click and hold on the wizard, then drag down and to the left to aim.  Release to throw.

I still can't figure out what "click anywhere on the screen after throwing the ice/thunder spell to use its ability" means (it doesn't seem to change the behavior whether I click after throwing or not, even on Level 2).  And I wasn't able to get past level 2, but I can imagine that if you're clever enough, you can arc it to take out two enemies with one throw.  I might come back and work on that later.

All in all a very cute game!

Cute!  Runs well and is responsive.  But yeah, my mouse and my finger both wish I had some kind of autoclicker (I don't).  Maybe next time build that into the game itself?

This is very well done!  I could use a little more instructions — it's not entirely clear to me how to select which attack I want to do.  But the graphics are good, everything runs smoothly, and it looks like when it's finished it could be a really deep and engaging game!

I love this!  It's so colorful and fun.  There is much to be said for the simplicity of the old days, and you have captured that beautifully in this remake!

Why not allow other dev environments, like Mini Micro for example?

Nice game!  It took me multiple tries to realize this:

IMPORTANT: in addition to the controls mentioned in the game, you must also use WASD to move.  That was not obvious, and man the game ends quickly without it  :)

Once I realized that, the game works and is playable.  I love the story, and the slow-typing text bits are really amazing polish for a first game!  I only wish the first level were easier, because even after finding WASD, I don't seem able to last more than a few seconds.

(I do wish the shield button was something other than right-click; that causes the browser contextual menu to open for me.  Maybe Right Shift or Return would be a better choice?)

(1 edit)

Nice game!  I got 59 kills.  (EDIT: 89 on my second try!)  It's hard to play with a mouse; makes me wish I could play it on a touch screen!  But it's still very fun.

But what do you mean about "fast-paced mode" or "normally"?  Are there hidden options somewher?

This is a really cool game!  I love the various gestures.  I know it's still under development, but here are some suggestions for you:

  • The enemies should come a little faster.  It's a bit too easy right now.
  • Maybe there could be a mana pool you spend with each spell, that slowly regenerates.  Then you could have mana regen upgrades, too.
  • The little purple wizard is adorable, but he should do a "casting" pose (arms/staff raised?) every time you cast a spell, so it looks like he's doing something.
  • Maybe don't cast fire unless you're actually dragging on the road.  That way, when I do the "Thunder" gesture, it doesn't also do fire.

Overall though it's really a great start.  Can't wait to see it develop more!

Neat game!  One suggestion: since there are multiple ways to lose, it'd be nice if at game over, you say what happened.  I keep thinking I'm doing fine, and then suddenly it's game over.  Maybe it's the timer?   Is there anything the player can do about that, or are games just a fixed length?

Oh, that's right!  Well I only stumbled upon this game by accident.  Whenever you make something in MiniScript, please feel free to post about it in the #show-and-tell channel.  I'm sure others would love to see it too!

Thanks, that helps!

This is a cool little game!  Love the graphics, and the concept is neat too.  So far I haven't lost a game, but I'm pretty sure if I keep playing, I will.  :)

Consider joining the MiniScript discord server!  We'd love to chat about MiniScript and Mini Micro with you, and cheer you on in your future efforts.

Really nice!  I got a max of 36 kills, on wave 2.  (It'd be nice if it showed a total!)

The game is really engaging and polished.  Amazing work, especially considering that it was your first few days with MiniScript.  Can't wait to see what you make in the future!

Neat!  But... what the heck is going on?  What's the difference between red and yellow circles and why do they sometimes change color?  Why is my score going up even when no cats are touching anything?  What's the difference between green "+" and red "-" at the bottom?  HOW DOES THIS GAME WORK?!

Interesting concept!  I found the invisible walls pretty frustrating, though, and gave up after a few minutes of starting over and over.

But I know this is your first Mini Micro game, and mechanically, it's well done.  The music and graphics fit well together, and the gameplay is smooth.  Can't wait to see what you make next time!

This is really nice!  I love the retro pixely graphics, and 8-bit sounds.

I actually did manage to lose the game before finding all six rings (I think I had 2).  I want to play again when I have more time.  Considering it's your first Mini Micro game and you had only a couple days to write it, I think it's very well done!

Nicely done game.  But... poor Minnie!

Thank you!  This was one of the first games made with Mini Micro, and it's always had a special place in my heart.  I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

I love the look and the sound.  But I could not figure out how to play.  Walking near the clothes did not pick them up.  I discovered (by trial and error) that spacebar makes my character jump, but even with that I couldn't grab the clothes.

I also found that if I push up, my character starts walking in air, but then could not move left or right.  I was able to get out of this state eventually by jumping.  Perhaps this is a bug?

But the animation is good, the overall idea and feel are good — maybe just explain better how to play?

Not bad!  It has that "just one more try" feeling that keeps you coming back for more.

Huh.  Let's discuss further on Discord.

(And the Windows virus warning is just Windows being stupid — not much we can do about it.)

(1 edit)

Oh, no, I was just holding them down.

So maybe something in the instructions like: "Arrow keys: hold to charge up, release to dash" would help us poor noobs do it right!  EDIT: I see you already did that.  Never mind then!  :)