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There we go, end. Yeah, that was a satisfying end. Both the last underground level as well as the final boss.

Thanks Oddwarg for a great experience, from learning the basics of flying - and getting adorable "saviour" pictures when you fail, to puzzles, to platforming, to chilling out with great music, and finally to awesome highspeed tunneling and fighting, leading up to a good ending.

This was a blast. Well worth the wait. Heck, now I regret I didn't get the USB tier back then. Heh, well, again, thanks for a great game. Loved looking for hidden energy orbs.

(1 edit)

Glad to hear you enjoyed the game! I have improved the collision model for the drawbridge winch in the latest update.


Oh, of course, that's what it is! Yup, collision much more functional in latest patch. You work fast, man.

And I might have spent a bit too much time today killing several disguises over and over, using said drawbridge, just to see their end screens. There sure is a ton of small details to explore in this game.