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I would kindly request the ability to have Ashley switched to her natural look. So is so much more cute and adorable as a brunette T_


Would that not mean redoing all images and animations where Ashley appears? That might be a lot of work. Auteur was going to release new version next week, redoing Ashley would delay the release for a year.

Shame on you for making us all wait so much longer!


Based on a previous statement (in which I don't hundred percent remember correctly), Runey said that he releases the public release twelve or fourteen days after the pre-release. Based on when the pre-released happened that should mean today, the 26th. Not next week.

Secondly, if that sort of edits for Ashley were to happen -- and this is a big if -- it wouldn't happen in the upcoming release. There's no reason to delay it for something like that, it would, instead, come in a later release down the road. Hypothetically, of course.


I would love to, but it is unfortunately far too much work. This is why any customization is left to sex scenes, which itself is also a lot of work but not an unreasonable amount.

Oh I wouldn't expect something like that anytime soon of course XD i was referring to something similar to what you can do with all the characters where you have them change outfits and outside of the scenes and stuff they stand around in those outfits, but I understand that's a lot lol. Don't want anything delayed just for that, would love to see it one day though