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SuperHeroU! (Only runs on Windows right now, sorry.)

I'd like feedback on

I've got seven questions, but they're easy.

  • Did the battle length feel, generally: too long, too short, or just right?
  • Did the interface (buttons, etc) make sense to you?
  • Did anything seem too large or too small? Too loud or too quiet?
  • Did you find any bugs?
I'm going to be continuing development on this at some point in the future. Going forward...
  • Which would you like to play more: multiple rounds of simple battles or one round of a complex battle?
  • Which does this game need first: animation or background music?
  • Are there any sounds, backgrounds, or sprites (pictures, buttons) that I should keep? Any I should redo?
NOTE: I made and coded everything you see or hear in the game. I've already gotten rude, disheartening, and functionally useless "feedback" today. If you didn't like something about my game, that's fine, but please remember that I'm a person and give me feedback that I can work with.

Hi !

  • I would say a little too long.
  • Yes, no problem.
  • No, it's fine !
  • No again.

  • I would say it's better to have more battles with increasing difficulty. Trying to find the weak post should be the priority, I would say.
  • Animation. It's a little bit static at the moment.
  • It depends of what kind of art style you want, actually. For me that is ok right now.
I like this kind of fighting game, I would say a little bit ot tactic is missing (or if there is, I didn't see it) and of course animations. I would definitely play again if I have to think which spell I have to use on a specific enemy, for example :)

Thank you for the feedback! I was thinking the fight seemed a little too long.

You weren't missing any tactics; I didn't have time to code them. One attack does 1 damage and the other does 2 damage. :P