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Your game was created before the Game Jam...


Cobys2, from your comment I can only assume that you think my game is just too freaking awesome to have been made in a mere 7 days, and for that I am truly flattered.


Mere 4 days. I remember this game was one of the first ones submitted.
Yet I won't speculate about how or when it was made. Quality is quite superb, nice job!

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Thank you!  Yeah, was sure to get my foot in the door early in case there was an issue last minute with the final build. First version only had a couple puzzles/endings, and a smaller environment.  Didn’t have all four endings and the whole apartment environment completed until the last day :)

How exactly it is related to Jam's theme?

I wanted to tie the game into the theme in a bunch of ways, but the main one is the concept that society is falling down to the face of the earth, after the ravens came down to earth and spread the plague.  There are other smaller tie-ins as well.

Falling from what? Sky? Space?

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Not exactly falling, but yes, as birds I’d say they came from the sky.  In the game the ravens have a sort of supernatural background, so I’m not going to say they came from Earth... if you look into it there’s sort of a collision  of worlds in a way ;)