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Sorry to hear things are not going well, and very sad to hear about your cat. Pets are so special and it's not fair they don't get to stay around forever, I know that feel. At least you can think you gave your cat a good home for its entire life and that's very important :)

It's also important to maintain a good balance between work and life, and your "work" here is game development. Start small, like go for a walk each morning and evening, you could consider that your "commute" so you start working on games after your morning walk and you stop working after your evening work. Take a break in the evening and do something you enjoy, whether that's seeing friends or playing games or just lying on the couch watching shows.

Try and work a little exercise (cardio or weights or whatever you prefer, it doesn't matter) and meditation into your routine, they will help your brain produce better chemicals which will keep your mood more steady and at least help a bit with depression.

I hope that helps. But overall, do look after yourself. Your personal health is more important than video games or random people on the internet like us.

Yeah.. There's nothing you can do about it, it's just how life works.

I used to take walks almost every day for a couple of months but it got a bit boring going through the same places every day so that pretty much just stopped. I want to start doing that again but I live in Sweden so soon it's going to be freezing outside and so much snow that you can barely get out of the door, which will not increase motivation. So that will likely not happen until spring/summer.

And yes, I should definitely exercise more, I used to do a little bit of that during the same period when I took walks.

I want to take care of myself better but it's at a point where it's hard to get motivated to do that when you don't have much motivation to begin with.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to comment.

Just start out small, like a single walk maybe 3 times a week. Set a reminder on your phone to prompt you cos it's not in your routine atm. Don't be mad at yourself if you forget or whatever. Just say, oh well I'll try again tomorrow.

If you don't feel like it, you can try trick yourself into it. Like get your shoes on and just walk to the footpath. Now you're there and ready, you may as well keep going for a small walk anyway.

It takes 2-3 weeks to form a habit. That's the hardest part. After that it becomes easier :)

I'll see if I can try some of those things at some point.

Worst case scenario I'll be trying it out in spring/summer because then I will be going out for walks no matter what, that has already been decided long ago.

Thanks for the suggestions, we'll see how it works out. :)