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V. 1.05 bug

I noticed that new items spawning in sometimes appear for a split second near the player, typically to the west where the items spawn. When they do, nearby item nets can actually catch the items, though they'll be invisible in the net and 'stuck' out in the water until they're harvested.

Wow, we have seen items stuck but we have not found the solution yet. Thanks alot for this :D

What you wrote is most likely the cause :D

Then I'm very glad to have helped! It's most noticeable with barrels since they clip through the raft, though it happens to all items; I've seen thatch pop into a net I was standing by and get stuck out in the water until I harvested it. Also, the items won't necessarily go to the net in their lane; they can go to any net regardless of location. I have not tested with nets behind one another, only those in the same row. I'm not sure if player location is key to this bug happening, either; my raft is much bigger now, and even when I'm relatively far from my item nets, I'll have bugged items in them. I think I have less overall, but again, I haven't tested this.

Thanks for the active work, I'm looking forward to the future of this game.