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This sounds fascinating. I can see two potential pitfalls, but I suspect they're navigable. 

The first issue is that you might have to mess with the results tables and turf systems if players are going to be members of different factions. The actual mechanics of Blades tend to assume that you're getting help a decent percentage of the time, which means that the fact that you don't have a good chance of success isn't so bad. Similarly, every character on the team is working together during downtime, which makes recovery something that different people can sacrifice an action to at different times without a sizeable problem. If everyone has to manage their own group's faction, you'll want to make some fairly substantial changes there.

The second question - what does a 0-card pull actually look like? Since there's advantage to not always taking the best card, you can't take the Blades approach of "draw two, take the worse," but presumably you want there to be a chance of success. Is it a system where tempting fate uses the Major Arcana, seperated out into a different deck, or is there something simpler for it?

(2 edits)

My envisioning of a 0 card pull is that you draw 2 cards and the other players at the table choose which one you have to use. 

More in depth, the tarot deck is all kept together and the players draw off the top. They can choose to play any card from their hand, or the rest of the players will choose to play one of their cards. 

  • If the card chosen is a King, Queen, or Knight, the action is a complete success. 
  • If the card chosen is one of the Major Arcana cards or the Ace of any suit, the action is a mixed success. Each arcana card comes with a short list of potential complications that the player can choose from. 
  • If the card is not one of the above (i.e. 2-10+page), the action is a miss. 

Players get XP for misses and can apply them to any XP track. If you play a card of the same suit as your draw it is either a critical success or you gain double XP depending on if it was a success or a miss.