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(1 edit)

I really like the kinda surreal setting of this one. The cat, the twins... I'm pretty stuck however. Since there are not many hints provided in-game, I ended up just trying countless things until I got a bit frustrated. I've found the bell and rang it on two different places and now I don't know how to proceed further. There are also no places left where I'm able to use the bell. I have the rose, but I don't seem to understand what to do with it. Well I see the location where it needs to be used probably but words like "place, give" have no effect. Dropping works, but doesn't change a thing. It is either the classic hunt for guessing the verb or I'm not understanding the riddle.The bench doesn't conform to words like SIT or USE  which makes me wonder how else you could make use of the object. I think a few hints would be really helpful to guide the player a bit more through the story.

Thanks for the feedback. As I worked on creating the mechanics that made so much sense to me, it did strike me later that it is not made clear enough in the game all the conditions necessary  to summon a witch. I think I need to work another clue in to describe it as welll as a hint to another hidden location to access.