OK, as per @redonihunter suggestion I changed the export settings, and now the win exe is directly zip-compressed by Godot.
Can somebody test if the warnings are gone?
Thank you very much for your help.
Upload your old exe to virustotal to see, if it triggers anything. And maybe the other two as well.
That it is the exe packing is just speculation. No one will tell you what it is or what it was - if it is a false positive at all. It could be any other reason. Including real scammers sharing your ip-range or mistaken identity. Whatever it is, staff will deal with it, but there is a waiting time.
But a hypothetical and plausible scenario would be that any or all of the three files triggered a scanner and a user reported your page as suspicious. What should itch do? Un-quarantine you, just because you made a community thread? I saw a thread once where a scammer actually did that. No kidding. Also, this is community message board and not itch support. The expected waiting time is anything between 3 and 30 days and you opened your request.