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(Analysis-Bot #6) ha! take that, Schwarzenegger!

(Commentatron) Alright... next human!

(Analysis-Bot #6) hmm...

Name: Elvis Presley

Occupation: Controversial singer

Age: Timeless

(Commentatron) Prepare the first level while the human is being downloaded *hears some music coming from the elevator shaft* what?

(Analysis-Bot #6) Dance fight!

(Commentatron) *casually drinks O-il soda, ignoring the music* How can you dance if you don't have any limbs?

(Analysis-Bot #6) hey!

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(Analysis-Bot #6) hey!

Warning: terrible pun ahead

I CAN STILL DO THE ROBOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Commentatron) *facepalms* Every robot can do the robot! *gives him a can of O-il soda, with a straw*

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(Analysis-Bot #6) *tries to reach for the can and looses balance* tha-woah, woah, that was close *Commentatron pushes Analysis-Bot #6 and he falls into the danger zone*

(Commentatron) *uses a hook to grab Analysis-Bot before he hits a spike plate* Analysis-Bot, you need to be more careful! Also, who turned off the security grid!?