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You're making an incredible amount of assumptions. You're assuming people do it by mistake. Maybe their phone is where they have internet access. You're assuming repeated downloads aren't intentional. Maybe they're retrying a failed download. You're assuming this is out of ignorance rather than, you know, the language barrier. You're assuming there's no Wine on Android because it was "never taken seriously", rather than, you know, insurmontable technical difficulties.

Please learn to ask other people why they do things in ways you deem strange. We're not imaginary. We're very real. We all have different knowledge and abilities, and reasons for doing things this way as opposed to that way. Talk to us. You'll be surprised.

(By the way, computer education these days is horrible. People are either thrown into the deep end of the pool and left to thrash, or else taught to press a few buttons in a certain order with no explanation. This causes no end of trouble for everyone involved, but throwing blame around doesn't help. We need solutions.)

It's because I'm afraid of what might happen in the future. And I'm glad you made me that there are other factors that allow people to wrongly download Windows/Mac games  in Android/iOS devices, as the language barrier. it need to translate the requirements so you can know what platforms you need to run that software, also for the problems of Windows emulation on Android with Wine for Android, I haven't heard new news about the program (the last one heard of was January 22, 2018), and has been shown very half and with much misinformation. It isn't known, anything is possible on the internet.