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A jam submission

Picky CustomersView game page

Collect and fill their requests
Submitted by Petipois (@petitpois28) — 12 hours, 10 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Technical Implementation#723.5563.556

Ranked from 9 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game utilize the limitation and theme?
Objective is to COLLECT items for customers, the theme is used by going to the customer to get the request, collecting the items and returning back to the customer to deliver them.

What was your team size?


You worked alone

Which of the following content in your game is NOT 100% newly made for the jam?


Affirm you have followed ALL jam rules. (Select all below or your entry will be disqualified.)

We have credited all assets used in the game including our own name(s) or team name(s)

All original game code and original assets were made during the jam period

The game does not include NSFW or hateful content

The game works on the web or as a Windows 10 download

We have answered all submission questions honestly and completely

If your game includes any of the optional challenges, select them below:

Theme Party

Use a theme and/or limitation from one of the past 8 Bits to Infinity jams in addition to the main theme

If you did any of the optional challenges, explain how they were used:
Easy game - There are no enemies in this game
Anything Goes - digital prototype

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good game, but for some reason, randomly(I don't know if this problem was just for me) whenever I go to collect the item, press X and it doesn't pick it up, maybe I'm just being dumb.


A pretty quick 5-10min pick up and play. My main gripe what differentiating items in the shop. It took a couple trying to memorize which item is where. Also, if you come at the item at certain angles I couldn't seem to actually grab them. The music was very fitting and the art was super cute. A pretty good submission overall.


This was a fun and cute game! I liked the art style, although it made it a little difficult to tell what the items were, so the arrows definitely helped. Maybe some more color on those could help communicate that better. Also I didn't realize that the towels and linens were bellow the register until a few attempts. It might be a good idea to put the register at the very bottom so the player is forced to go past everything the first time they enter. Overall, really good game!


It's fun, but gets repetitive after a while. I like how the music seemed to change when I was in a hurry (though it does feel a bit repetitive). It took me a little while to figure out that I should be picking up the items from above though.


I really like the interpretation of the theme, the music and the sense of urgency it conveys. The minimal graphics make the game difficult but I'd love to play it again. Well done.


Fun little game with an interesting take on the theme. Really like the art style. Minor nitpicks are on being able to pick up items from the other side, making the music longer before it loops, and also making the game a little easier. 

Nice work!