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I'm dumb(resolved)

A topic by Shrodeko created Nov 01, 2023 Views: 88 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 4
Submitted (1 edit)

I forgot to make a submission after I uploaded my project... 

Well, the least I can do is share it here


Dude, that was awesome! I liked all phases of this track, and you utilized all spooky sounding instruments so well. Too bad you weren't able to submit, I would've rated this highly lol. Great stuff!


Thx a lot!


The opening chord vamp feels like pure Halloween! Then when we get into the meat of the song, I was surprised at the turn it took, but the playful haunting sound works so well for a scary Pumpkin boss hopping around trying to kill you. The chiptune synth line floating over the piano arpeggios and march-like snare is probably my favorite section and once again feels quite different from the preceding parts. Wow, and the ending also has another unique feel to it, but I love the reprise of the B section that creates a very big and satisfying outro. Great work on this! I look forward to being able to rate your submission in the next competition!


Thank you for the analysis! I liked your song too!


(Thanks for bringing this to our attention via a community post!)

Because your project was published before the deadline, we鈥檝e emailed you instructions on how to submit the project.