you can see my live reaction to the game here
Overall nicely made point and click game
Things I liked:
- the fact both characters had different personalities / backstory / palette to differentiate them
- the addition of a save & load system is great
- there was a nice amount of content with there being different mini tasks like getting dressed, cooking, setting up the machine that all contributed more towards the story both lore wise with setting up the characters and getting them towards the machine. Content also didn't overstay and it felt fun
Things if you continue
- the controls were a bit unintuitive at first so just either having a way to show the player they can swap between looking at something and interacting with it or mapping those to different buttons and telling the player would feel a bit better. You made the cursor change but its a bit difficult to notice with everything else in the game going on and needs the player to look at the cursor sometimes too see their current state
- having some background music in there would add some nice ambiance while playing. Could just be anything that moderately fits the gameplay and it would boost it so much more. (If you want to do more music work you could also do different tracks for each person or if you make the game longer give them each their own leifmotif for tracks)
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