I wouldn't mind partnering up with someone, my understanding this is a Shape Jam 2? I just know Batch and Text Based, however if I was to do anything artsy I could try a Lesser Known language "Python" or I have Paint on windows 10, I might have another software I know it sounds Janky but I have MCREATOR, it's like a Minecraft thing, but no worries I can pump off like 16x16 .PNG images then what I have to do is save or export then I can grab the 16x16 images and we can put those into any game! I know it's weird but I'm not up to date of times of knowledge or up to date softwares, yup I'm that crazy gal who submitted a Windows batch game a few weeks ago and far as I was concerned the game ran fine on my end and I posted a video of when I was creating it! But anywho if anyone wants to team up just give me a hollar I'm up to trying something new! If you know a free or easier Sprite maker editer than my long Janky Minecraft way then lemme know haha! Trust me I make pro games and if not pro at least they fun at least haha also I think MCREATOR can do more fine of an image resolution I just sorta forgot how I made some block textures but I did stretch it once to 64x64 in a mod once :)