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Call Dude: Shot for fredomView game page

I peed my pants
Submitted by robottinis — 1 day, 4 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Overall Bad#14.5714.571
Overall Good#202.7862.786

Ranked from 14 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Wow! This game is classic SBIGJam!  The graphic design of this game is definitely some of the best I've seen this year. Character design are hilarious, the way the players are animated and their lines of dialogue are super SBIG-worthy!

This game had a bunch of great extra touches, from the lovely game page, to  the world design, to just the oddness of the story.

I also couldn't get past nixon hell, and couldn't quite work out if there is anything beyond it! Either way though I was really impressed with this game and had a blast playing it!


Absolutely loved the intro cutscene and the aliens were hilarious, too! Unfortunately, I suck at FPS games and died pretty quickly every time I tried, but what I’ve seen of the game was great.


What a pleasantly cursed little FPS!

I loved that opening cutscene! I'm a sucker for a good opening and this one oozed "So bad its good".

I loved all the different firing animations, and that you could fire your weapon past 0. I'm not I'm a fan of the hitscan enemies, I had in a SBIG game once and they weren't fun there either. But there's regenerating health like a proper COD game so it wasn't too bad.

Also I really liked the allied AI rolling after me, I was sad when the last one died. And the enemies were neat with seemingly multiple attack animations and making those stupid sounds with stupid walk cycles. It was great! And don't get me started on how cursed Nixon Hell was. Actually the whole game had sublimely cursed level design.

And the music and audio was weird enough that I couldn't tell if the gunshots were a glitch, an enemy, an ally that got stuck or part of the soundtrack.

I sadly didn't get beyond Nixon Hell, but what I played I liked!

Excellent work!

Perfect, 10/10, no notes


Full of flavor. It's kinda like those kinds of games that have tons of effort put into tiny details and polish and whatnot, except instead of making the game better this effort has gone into making it more cursed. Everything about this game, from the way your gun works to the ending sequence, seems to be minmaxed to be cursed and I love it

Submitted (1 edit)

Is it possible to get passed nixon hell


I'm offensive and I find this alien.

On a serious note, the "style" of the game is perfect, but I couldn't get far, as the enemies are hard to see and have hitscan weapons, and that there are no checkpoints. Really could have used some checkpoints.


That was... something.

It has an aesthetic and overall style that's perfect for SBIG. I don't want to spoil the intro sequence too much, but it was hilarious. The blocky models, butchered storyline, and flat text-to-speech work well together.

The soldier models are surprisingly good and stand out a bit against the very blocky helicopters, but between that and the inexplicable alien enemies it does give it a sort of "lazy asset flip" feel.

If there's one complaint it's that it's a mediocre at best FPS at its core and it doesn't always do enough to distract from that. While the weapon animations are amusing and your allies are hilarious if useless, and there are some surprises, for a big chunk of the game I was just taking potshots at aliens from beyond their attack range.

I made it to Nixon Hell and survived a while, but then fell off and died. Not sure if that sequence is meant to be winnable. It was definitely a neat twist to see after falling through the ground in what I initially thought was a glitch, but then it became a slog of horde survival with no clear goal.

Overall, though, it goes a long way on initial presentation alone.