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Safe CourseView game page

Short mobile 2D game playable in the browser.
Submitted by Maui — 9 days, 19 hours before the deadline
Rated by 9 people so far
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What would you like feedback on?
Any feedback is welcome but I'm wondering about the overall feel of the game and level difficulty (are some of them too hard / easy or frustrating ?)

What did you update?
Mostly quality of life features, see the devlog for more details :

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Well, I thought it was a bit too simple but very neat. Now I see myself at the end of the journey wondering "damn, it's over?!". Congratulations!

The visuals are really amazing, I like the chill vibe it gives as you try again and again to correct course. I feel the music default volume was a tad low, but the settings menu fixes it quickly.

It was really cool to have the last angle, weight influence and trajectory available!

Would be nice to have some sort of explosion effect instead of just having the ship torn to pieces on collisions, although I'd love to know how did you manage its destruction behind the curtains!

The black hole was very neat. The wormhole at first I though was some sort of "reverse black hole" that pushed you instead of pulling, but once I decided to launch the ship right into it and saw the "wormhole detected" message I understood the idea.

Oh, just a nitpick but clicking on retry shouldn't allow you to click on retry again. Maybe locking player input on retry would feel better.

Awesome game!


A very nice game! I liked the overall atmosphere, puzzle mechanics and the feeling of piloting a spaceship :)

I didn't feel like any of the levels were frustrating or required unnecessary amount of trial and error. I normally tried the "default" route first and was able to adjust it according to the information I'd gained. And frankly speaking crashing felt sometimes just as fun as succeeding :)

The info window is a very nice detail, I enjoyed seeing the destination was detected nearby. And everything feels so smooth and comfortable!

A couple more things I would like to comment on are:

  • The tutorial. I understand that it is primarily a mobile game, but what I can tell from playing it in browser is that it was not 100% user friendly. For example, when I got a hint to use "this button" to change camera modes I didn't immediately see which button is blinking — it was on the edge of my field of view and quite subtle :) I think it would be more obvious if a hint said something like "click on the button in the right top corner".  Also some mechanics are explained, like weight and adjusting the heading, and some are not: like time limit and camera modes. I don't think that there is a need to explain everything thoroughly, but when some features are commented on, you kinda expect that other ones will be explained as well :)
  • As for the camera mods, I got an impression that you would also be okay with one standard mode and a possibility to move your map with the mouse wheel. And there could be only one button that brings you back to the ship then :)
  • I would love to play more levels! I think that most of them was fairly easy, and the last one can seem a bit tricky as there is a twist that you may not think of at first.

Very cool to play, thank you!

Submitted (1 edit)

Really liked this game! Played through all the levels in one go! Really liked the polish and how you introduce new mechanics gradually - that kept me in the loop! And the music - I don't know if you found it or made it yourself, but it is really good! 

Can't add anything constructively helpful though, rather then I wanted to check what levels I have finished and got lost, because there is no indication for that.

Good work!


I loved this game! I'm an MSc aerospace engineer so any game related to the space topic is a hype to me. I really liked it, the game flow is great, I did no see programming bugs and the UI functionality was fine. 

I do not believe you need to improve this "trial and error" thing, I think the game is just right in its difficulty and you have to play around to see how gravity and mass are affecting your ship movement. What you can do, is add a very short tutorial explaining to people how gravity works. Obviously, my opinion is biased becuase I know pretty well how gravity should work and to me it was no difficult to figure out the game.

Regarding gravity physics, I didn't get the right sensation. Why the asteroids that are so small pull so much of the ship? It really felt that the asteroids pull was very similar to the planets gravitational pull. This does not make sense to me, as obviously bigger volume usually mean bigger mass (unless they're very very gassy planets). I got a similar sensation with the black hole (too low pull compared to asteroids for such a big size), I think that right now the gravitational pull of other objects to the ship is not well balanced.

Also regarding the black hole, I could observe that the ship warped its shape when nearby it, that's a nice one, well done! Finally, I missed that you showed in which level you were during the gameplay. I was playing around and passing levels, but had no idea if I was on Sector A,B,C or D, or if I was within the sectors at level1, 2 and so on. 

Overall an amazing game that needs to be polished at some points. Looking forward to seeing more of it and that you create a mobile game :)     


Overall a fun gameplay loop.

Love the music and the graphics are on point, seems like a lot of trail and error though would greatly appreciate some kind of feedback as to where the ship will go.

Submitted (1 edit)

I really had fun with this :)

The music and sounds really suit the game.

The difficulty curve is just right. It's satisfying as you know you are getting closer and closer to a solution.

My only bit of feedback is I didn't find looking at the map that rewarding, so I wonder if it's worth zooming right out at the start of the level, to show the player the direction they need to go, instead of making them use the map.

It seems a few people have commented on the trial and error so I think it would reduce greatly if you show the player the whole map as the level loads in :)

I really think that will take the game to the next level, as it's already so well polished and a fun gameplay loop.

Let me know what you think and if you'd like me to explain better I'm happy to :)

Good luck with the development <3

Aegis 🛡


I think the game is really polished visually and the audio is great too. I am suspect to talk about the gameplay because I am not a big fan of these kind of puzzle games, but the game gets quite difficult really fast and the amount of trial and error necessary to complete each level made it quite frustrating.


I played a similar game in GMTK , I think the guy showed the gravity lines, it just feels like I am just doing trial and error, as its difficult to gauge how the ship will react 

you can try his game by having the lines visible I can do the levels in 1 go rather I think it took me 10 + tries to do the tutorial