An interesting and ambitious attempt at a stealth game.
Unfortunately my experience was plagued by a number of bugs. Finishing the first level I was met by a placeholder image saying it was the ending cutscene placeholder. I refreshed and tried to continue and wen tot the next mission but then when I hid in a couch I just got stuck and couldn't get out and had to reset again. The options menu was also totally scrambled and I couldn't see anything properly so I couldn't really figure out the controls except pure brute force and trial and error.
With the exception of the previously mentioned bugs the game plays fine. Moving around and hiding was pretty cool and the lock picking mechanic was really well done minus the weird graphical glitch when you rotate the pin. The story cutscenes were all nice and helped set the scene well. Though it was a lot of exposition heavily front loaded before even getting to play the game.
The audio was fine, music and SFX matched the game well with no obvious misses or glitched audio.
It's a shame I was plagued by so many bugs because I would have liked to finish the available content. Maybe if it gets fixed after the jam I'll give it a second shot :)
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