Dino Age: I like the combination of acoustic instruments like the marimba with electronic sounding drums. This is a really cool effect that is different from what would be expected for the time period, but that’s exactly what would make it really engaging.
Egypt: I like the consistency of the percussion style. The flute melody has me vibing and I think it is very well-written. The water sound effect is an interesting touch that is a nice contrast to the otherwise dry sounds that would fit a more arid environment.
1920s: Wow, this one grabs my attention initially with that sampled voice melodic riff. This one strikes me as the most impressive of all of your tracks and because of that is my favorite!
3007: The obligate future track in a time traveling collection! You keep true to your style and I like the addition of more digital sounding instruments. Overall this is one of my favorite time traveling OSTs that I’ve heard from this jam. You space out your time traveling adventures to contrasting time periods, but they all have that awesome groove and are all really fun to listen to. Great work and thank you for sharing!
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