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CrawlingView game page

2 Level Game for Mini Game Jam 123: Web
Submitted by CaseyWhite (@Lvl_Design) — 19 hours, 55 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of the Limitation#1771.6871.778

Ranked from 9 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Team members
Casey Allen White

Software used
Unity Engine

Use of the limitation
I literally had no floor :O

Cookies eaten
None, but now I want some! :D

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Nice game, it Little different for me


Game has some trolls with sudden windmill things in your face. Graphics are too basic and movement feels too fast to move around safely.


Yeah I could have moved the camera away from the character a little to widen the POV. The graphics were intentionally terrible, I was going for a retro pacman art feel. Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it. 


The collisions are really weird, idk what game engine you are using but usually resetting the player position doesnt work very well, you should use a collider instead.


Lol I know, I didn't use a rigidbody. I used transform.Translate. And I made the walls push the character away to prevent the character from going through, which caused the jitteriness, has nothing to do with the camera. I could have solved everything by using a rigidbody controller. Everything was purely intentional. Thanks for playing, hope it wasn't too bad of an experience. 


nice maze game :) there should be a better system to handle movement, I'm assuming u used transform.position directly. You should always use Rigidbody.move/velocity because it prevents the jittering, bad collisions, and has much more flexibility and features. :)


Hey thanks, I should've thought to use rigidbody. I've made a few player controllers using rigidbody.  The jitteriness comes from the walls physically pushing the player away from them. I made the walls push the character away to get rid of collision. I originally intended the player to just be free falling, with only horizontal movements. But I adapted it differently. It came out 100% differently than I had originally envisioned. Thanks for the feedback, it is much appreciated, and I will use it moving forward.


Really hard game! Those spinny things were hell for me.

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for playing. It did become unintentionally more difficult than I originally intended. Regardless, I hope you found it enjoyable.


I did enjoy it!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Очень сложная игра для меня, хороший game


I don't speak Russian, but thanks google! I'm glad you found my game challenging and I hope to make more for other game jams in the future.