I think I just broke the game by playing for way to long and thereby spawning way too many pirateships. The music started to stop periodically, the pirateships converged into a singularity and my framerate dropped to like 5 fps. The pirates can't even really hurt me anymore and while I'm writing this I'm actually still cuddling with them.
But I think all of that just goes to show how much I enjoyed the game. I have always liked the concept of these top-down ship games and so this also took my interest. The sprites where very cute and the particles helped sell the water environment.
A few small things I wanna comment on:
- The game can be played with only the keyboard, so maybe also include keyboard-control for the main menu
- Maybe give the player a bit more health at the start. Before I started my immortal playthrough I got killed quite a few times in the first 15 seconds.
- Sometimes I wanted to hold on to my souls, so an option to not trade souls when you hit the trader would be nice
- A bit more work, but an pirate-indicator on the side of the screen would help with not accidently running into pirates because you can't see them
- I just checked, I'm still alive surrounded by even more pirates :)
Very good game
- Fribolin
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