If you had an issue submitting your game, post a comment here with your discord so I can send you a late submission link.
Ratings are now open.
I finally got GitHub to work and I have the new link - https://github.com/GoldenTrashCan/Coots-Repo
My Discord is GoldenTrashCan#8568
upload it and then click here https://itch.io/jam/328313/add-game/1944011/2883378?token=5UaQq4lAYOafX2eXF8yha1...
reupload now and click here once done
hI Otto, regrettably found a game breaking bug after a player discovered it. If there was an opportunity to patch it, I'd be grateful to see if I can make sure it doesn't prevent other players from reaching the ending in less than 10 minutes. discord is slumberface#4955. The bug is an incorrectly sized trigger.
Thank you,
Hi Otto,
there are some issues with how my game assets are being loaded when the game is hosted on itch.io.
So I removed the game files and updated the description with a playable link.
(no changes made to the code. just deployed it with some Nginx magic.)
The GitHub repo has working code in dev mode (last updated before I submitted the project here)
hope I don't get disqualified.
Hi sorry if I'm being a pain but I was wondering if I can add a Web build to my page? I submitted 5 hours before the final deadline and went straight to sleep without realising how vital web builds were going to be for enabling the community to play the game. I have a web build with the same source files as the github repo from before the submission deadline.
InfernoPyro#6676 https://infernopyro.itch.io/effortlessly-coots
please let me know if this is possible and thank you in advance!
Hi also wanted to include my web build, did have to make some small changes(just canvas related stuff) to get it to work correctly hope that is fine.
bnezuld#4251 https://bnezuld.itch.io/cootsgodgamergauntlet
Hey Otto, I left my comment earlier. Is there a way you or us can add the pc build to the submission It was built around the same time (on github)? You can add that if you have rights, you can see the submission time on github which is 14,15 hours ago. So if you can just put that apk in there? Thanks