This was pretty cool, though I admit I'm not sure its the type of game for me personally. I'm not sure I was ever any good at bullet hell type games, and while I love slower tactical games like SWAT 4 and fast-paced games like Doom, I don't think this particular mix of tactical and frantic shooting works for me. The inability to move quickly while reloading combined with the faster pace of enemy movement makes it hard to dodge incoming projectiles, and the surprisingly slow speed of your own bullets makes lining up shots kinda awkward. I admit I may just suck though.
There were some technical issues I think could be pretty easily fixed:
I did notice several typos in the campaign descriptions, and I'm not sure if the spelling "Javlin" was intentional or if it was supposed to be "Javelin" like the throwing spear. I assume since it appeared several times that its the intended spelling.
The green character model seems to have some extra bit of floating texture on the back of the sprite when in the idle pose. But it disappears when running.
Switching weapons with number keys didn't seem to work as Cas mentioned. I usually use scrollwheel to switch weapons, but of course there's already atleast one player who uses the number keys lol.
Couldn't edit loadout for campaign, but I'm assuming that functionality just doesn't exist yet. In which case I guess ignore this as a technical issue.
There was a red line that seemed to popup over the character sprite when switching weapons, don't know if that's an intentional part of the game or not.
But on the positive side of things, I liked the variety of weapon effects and I thought the grenades were fun. Never figured out how to use the armor equipment though, if its usable at all.
I like how moving the mouse out further narrows but extends the field of view, felt more tactical in that way. In the same vein, I like the change in crosshairs when aiming.
Something else I noticed but seemed to have no effect: the bar shown when reloading has a dark section in the middle, is that meant to demonstrate that the player can hit the reload key again to have a faster reload like in Gears Of War? If not then maybe that should be added as a feature. And if it was intended as a feature then it didn't appear to work when I tried it.
Overall I think this is pretty cool, it may not be the best game for me but I'm certain there's an audience that would love it. Good work!
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