Play GrailQuest
Tales from the GrailQuest Taverns's pageResults
Ranked 114th with 1 vote
Criteria | Rank | Votes |
People's Choice Vote | #114 | 1 |
Judge feedback
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Did not pass screening: Did not meet quality standards.
Team Members
Nathan Wilson
RPG Maker MV
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I find myself keeps playing this one..
Thanks! I'm glad you like it.
This ran a little bit wonky - but the battle system was really cool! I actually hope you flesh this out more!
The battle system is all Lecode's doing:
Wonky how?
It froze up a lot when trying to access techniques/skills for the second character in my party - and I was able to walk on things sometimes that I don't think I should have been able to (pillars in the fight with the first party member and the base of a tent). You might also want to let the player know about friendly fire - as I killed myself once I learned about magic (ahahaha)!
The lag is a know issue with Lecode's LeTBS plugins. I've reduced the scopes of the skills so it shouldn't hang as much.
Thanks for bringing that to my attention! I forgot that I updated some maps at the last minute to match thematically, but didn' t update the tileset configurations.
I to discovered friendly fire through killing myself. You're meant to be a little squishy and suffer the occasional death. How often you have died will eventually factor into the story and unless it happens within the first few battles there is no tangible penalty for dying in the submission other than having to retrace your steps a bit. There actually a little bit of a teaser for future plot if you do die.
Where's the end turn button?^(* ̄(oo) ̄)^
It's there, you need to go down more in the menu. Or just go up from the "move" button.
I didn't see it at first, and it was annoying, but when I found it it was really cool.
The number of commands shown is customizeable in the plugin. I'll look into tweaking the settings and see if it can be displayed better.
You should try condensing abilities into the same command section. :)