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Void MinerView game page

Collect cargo in the Void to earn credits and upgrade your ship.
Submitted by SquallyPillow — 22 hours, 2 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 6 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used

Game Description
Mine the space void to earn credits and upgrade your ship

How does your game tie into the theme?
There is a void in space...


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Participation Level (GWJ Only)

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Really good, thumbs up!


glad you enjoyed, thanks for playing. 


The sounds are awful, i couldn't listen to it. Overral I think the Upgrade part is a bit unnececary, you could give more attention to a collection part of the game. Also, I've lost the station behind the asteroids XD


that is why there are volume sliders. If you don't like the sound turn it down!

The collection and the upgrades go together. You upgrade to be able to get farther away to find better upgrades. I was wanting to add more collectibles, ship upgrades etc further out but didn't have the time. 

Thanks for playing and your feedback. 


I couldn't change the volume after I started the game 😅. By the way, sorry, if my comment was feeling a bit rude, i didn't mean to offend you, just maybe language problems.


I liked the background, and the fact that we can only move left right too, less hacky for the brain x))

As for the purpose of collecting objects, I tried, but there was no  that much meaning in doing it, maybe if it was to then go to an other planet, or have more resources. Some fighting would have been great too ! Or for just exploration, some kind of puzzle ?

Thanks for your submission !


Thabks for playing,  I agree the collection needed more fleshing out. 

Thanks for playing!


Downloaded it for mac, but I do not know how to run it.. 
I wish I could play it, it looks cool.


There was an issue with the uploads, they have now been replaced as of 30 seconds ago.  Feel free to try again and let me know if it works.

Thank you.


I didnt see any windows file here, did i miss out something ? tell me if you've resolved the issue i'll test it out !

Feel free to test my game and give feedback too !


There was an issue with the uploads, the windows file has now been replaced.

Thank you


Okay so this is fun actually. I made it to wave 3 but they got me. :( 

I have 1 main advice: add some music. I am personally a sucker for games that have country music in space :D Do you know Firefly? Something like that. It would give a more badass vibe.


I downloaded it for Windows but there doesn’t seem to be an exe file in there to run it? Unless I’m missing something obvious!


Apparently I was not paying attention and uploaded the wrong file...  I reach out to see if I could replace it.  Thank you for letting me know.


Thanks for letting me know about the issue, the file has now been replaced if you wanted to try again.

Thank you.


Cool, glad you got it sorted! It was pretty fun and I liked the graphics too! I could see it being really good if you were to add the bits that you said you didn’t have time for. It would have been nice to have had something in game which showed that Enter was what moved the convo on as it wasn’t listed under controls, also if there was something that showed the stat change of the upgrades so I could make a decision on what I thought might best but they are only very minor issues.

Also how did you do the space background? I wanted to add something like that on my game but I’m new to 3D and didn’t have time to even look in to how it would be done :D Is it something in the world environment or is there a specific node to use?


the background is a sky box on the world environment. Instead of a sky I used the space background.