that's ok thanks
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Recent community posts
- Some textures are in 512 * 512, others in 256*256, and somes in 128 * 128, I imagine you intend to modify this with your upscale tool to do like your crosshair pack ? (some different sizes versions )
- Your folders doesn't all contains all the images.
Hope that'll help you update it well later !
Tkae your time on it
I just bought your asset thinking, well, a only white textures, no black, with transparency...
Could you upload your textures with only white and transparency ?
Because, with black, youn can only use them as mask or withparticles in blend_add, not as a normal sprite modulated for exemple with only white and transparency, we can mix them normally...
Still they are excellente textures and it's ok if you dont. Super job !
I would recommend :
- Changing the flare when winning / lmosing a hand, to bit a burst of particles + more flashy / vibrant flare.
- Give stronger sounds as they are low compared to 'normal', I can't jump between your game and something lese without breaking my ears.
- Add Fast Screen Transitions.
- Add Global sound, and a chill music in lobby / shop. Make it transit when going in game.
- Better particles when oppening a pack.
- Softer particles when buying just a card.
I noticed the game starting to bug the deeper I go into the game, maybe because of shaders or too much images loaded in the web version.
Hi ! Do you accept orders ?
If yes,
What would be the price for 4 weapons, each having theses sounds :
- Primary fire
- load a bullet (ready to fire sound)
- reload the magazine
-Secondary Fire
-Secondary loadding big attack
-Secondary shot
And maybe after some ship sounds and more, but thoses weapons sound for a start
Wow, 5/5, just, color shifting and the use of glow is super well done ! Music cool. Original game, ! and, the HP bar doesn't really show the hp ??? It would be great to have on that show for the main platform, and why not when some little ones are damaged, an hp bar just on top or bottom of them that show then hide back to see current hp (but it may break immersion ?) ?
It's super satisfying to see your current ship growing.
The only missing things for me are :
- speed scale, so we go to 1.25 or 1.5 to faster a bit the game
- when enemies get hit and not destroy, still a hit sound from bullet, and why not one from the alien ?
I don't really understand why sometimes the shop is available, and why not some other times, it would be great to make it clearer, and if the shop is available, making something blink so we know !
Thanks for this super game !
I would love to help you on your project, first to see your method, second because i'm curently lurning and creating tools using polygons2D, lines2D and curve2D; Second, because your project is pretty cool and I like it; third because All you can see into my game is me, (except background but I can make my own using shaders) And i would love to help you with putting colors, shaders and giving even more life to your wonderful project