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A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey there!

Thanks a lot for playing! If you are having difficulties with the game, you can give the desktop version a try and increase brightness in the pause menu. This way you can see the end of the game more easily. :)

But overall darkness and limited information about your surroundings is part of the game.


Hey there! Thanks a lot for playing!

If you struggle, consider downloading the desktop version and using the brightness slider in the pause menu. It helps.

The Easter egg: you need to reach a certain depth that is tied to a funny number, and listen 😅

Thank you so much for your kind words, we are very happy that you liked our entry!

Thanks a lot for taking your time to try the game and provide feedback.

There are 2 ways you can die in the game. One is when hull integrity is 0 or when you run out of Oxygen.

If you haven't picked up O2 canisters, my guess is the latter. 

But point taken, probably we could do a better job in the future at explaining the mechanics.

Thanks again!

(1 edit)

Okay I wanted to check this one before I'm done for this jam. The thumbnail got me interested, probably because of the colors.

Works as intended, plays well. I suck at it :D but this should be on mobile actually. Congrats!

p.s.: I was slow, just realized the pun now in the title. Good job :D

Solid game. Play smooth, had a little stutter in browser here and there but it's probably not the game's fault.

I liked the powerups and the option for autofire. Simple game but it is a smooth experience.

I would add only one thing. Maybe try using a parallax background to give a sense of movement to the game. 

Good job!

The  controls needed a bit of getting used to at the beginning, but overall it is a very smooth game, feels solid, plays well.

The best optimized 3D game so far.

Unfortunately my game froze close to the end. I will follow you, in case there will be an update/windows port.

That being said, the entry is definitely unique, you have a cool idea here, and I think it is worth working on.

Pretty solid game. It is visible that you put a lot of thought and effort into it, and that's admirable.

I like that there are different "minigames" for different parts of the game and that I have a choice in what I want to do next.

I have 2 things as a feedback if you don't mind:

  • The tutorial text is a lot in the beginning. It makes sense, it does explain everything, but I feel like it could be compressed.
  • The fule depletion is cruel :D It depletes on every screen.  I would maybe rethink this, allowing the player to relax a bit either on the starmap or in battle, and only focus on enemies.

But overall a very cool entry.

Thank you for the detailed feedback.

The UI part is funny, because I totally agree with you. Basically I just put it together in the game's early stages and in the end haven't changed it. The funny part, that so far everyone loved it, many specifically mentioned the UI. But I hate it :D I should have changed its style mid-way.

The random hits thing is concerning, because I never saw this happen. I don't know if it is a Linux specific thing, sadly I cannot test it. On Windows, Mac, Web it is not a known issue. As for NOT taking damage, there is a timer in the game that doesn't let the player take damage from multiple sources in a quick succession. This is by choice, because the geometry of the map is quite "detailed". So there were cases, where you got slammed into a wall, and took damage from multiple protruding edges.

All in all thanks for the feedback and for playing the game. Cheers!

Thank you so much for the kind words! We hope to build on the project in the future because of these feedbacks. Really appreciated.

Thank you so much for the feedback, we are very glad you enjoyed it.

Please let me know if the mac version runs well, I couldnt test it as I own a PC. (so far no one complained, but I have no idea.)

IN CASE the game gets too frustrating, there is a brighness slider in the pasue menu.

Good luck Echo!

Seeing you playing and enjoying the game was one of the best things in my life. Like I said, this is our first game ever. We are not coming from creative backgrounds. So seeing that someone actually enjoys something that we've created means so much to us.

Thank you again.

Thank you so so so so much for your kind feedback.

The overall depth of the map is 418 metres. In a way it would make sense to display it, but at the same time it would maybe take away from the experience, I don't know. It is something to consider for sure.

The O2... don't even get me started. :D it was a balancing act to figure out what amount is enough but not too much. Because we really wanted the player to feel what you felt. "being alone in an endless empty space". Putting too many powerups would trivialize danger. BUT if we don't put more, the tradeoff is that people get drustrated with the game and might never finish it. So again, your feedback is something to consider.

We plan to build this game further because we really enjoy it. So a lot of things might change in the future.

For now, I will tell you what I tell others as well. if you want to see the ending of the game, you can try turning the brigthness higher in the desktop version's pause menu. It helps with visibility.

I guess this is a lesson to learn. We never joined a jam before. making the game a bit more difficult by choice for sure, but it might be something to balance further.

Thanks again, we really appreciate it.

Love the graphics and I can absolutely relate to the protagonist, Peter. Jam is no joking matter.

Fun and simple game. I have one feedback: please let us skip the intro. The web version (for me) was lagging a bit when I was shooting. So I had to download the PC version. And had to rewatch it. 

But this is just something to consider for the future. congrats!

Wives are amazing. Mine was my harshest critique and made my game better.

Looking forward to updates.

Once I figured out that enemies/objects hit each other, it was very satisfying to watch jellyfish knocking out wasps.

Maybe if they could damage each other?  Simple but fun, the controls felt smooth.

Yep, works like a charm now. Now it is even more fun.

(1 edit)

As somoene whose zodiac sign is cancer, I appreciate the thumbnail and the play on the funny number. :D

Like others said, the UI is perfect, instant 5 stars. I will need to take notes from you.

The gameplay is simple but I liked how your gravity grows.

My only constructive feedback is that maybe something else would have been more fitting as enemies. Bigger black holes maybe? What can beat a black hole? I don't know either, but the pink spiky things felt a tiny bit out of place.

Overall a very satisfying game to play.

I unfortunately couldn't run your game in the browser. :(

I think the fix for your issue is checking this box when uploading the web version. I'm also new so I am not 100% sure, but I had this error, and this was the solution.

Hello there comrade! I hope the production is going well.

Just a hint, if you are stuck with the game, you can increase brightness in the desktop version's pause menu.


I will tell you honestly, I was avoiding this game for days now because I was afraid of the subject matter. These topics can ruin me completely sometimes. Yet your game is not depressing. It is interesting, well made, you found clever ways to put in game mechanics.

I also want to mention that this is one of the few entries that uses 3D and it doesn't stutter, lag, freeze, crash. It runs smoothly. (I don't do 3D, so I cannot criticize anyone, it is just a thing I noticed that a lot of 3D games are not well optimized. Yours is.)

Small things as feedback:

  • In the future please consider subtitles. I completely understand if it didn't fit in the scope of the jam, so this is nothin that would take away from your achievment. But I felt that subtitles would have been helpful, especially for someone who is not a native speaker.
  • Another thing is also audio related. When I interacted with an object and the narrator was already speaking, the 2 audio files were talking overlapping each other. I think you could try to fiure out something for this. Maybe longer texts, such as a journal could be broken up into smaller entries, so the player can consume them in their own pace, while also checking out other stuff in the house.

But overall a ver cool game, thank you.

Such a well made game. This theme is really bringing the best out of talented people like you.

Solid overall, and I especially appreciate that there are no lives, I can just try again instantly. I suck at platformers, they stress me out but thiso ne haven't. Great job!

Oh I would absolutely sulk....

This entry brought a smile on my face. It went from cute, to stressful then to eerie, cute again and finally oh shi-...

I went through all the motions with Petal. great job!

I remember this game when it was still a work in progress, good that I haven't missed it. It is gorgeous, I especially love the background music. It kinda makes me feel bad for not making a space themed  game.

I just really wonder how y'all beat it in 30 seconds ^^ I ot stuck for a while.

It's an overall pleasant experience. Thank you!

I will later today, thanks for the infor. 😅

Congratulations! Hope it was worth the torment.

I also did a test run yestrday and finished with 5% hull. We plan to build on this game, but with random maps. But of course also repair possibility.

Thanks a lot for playing, I really appreciate the effort.

I really liked the vibe and ambience of this one. Can't put my finger on it but it matched very well with the retro graphics.

I love underwater games (mine's one too). And especially simulators. Simple and fun idea, controls are good as wel. Maybe some ambience coudl go in to feel the thalassophobia more.

A novel idea and very cool looking pixel art.

You were SO CLOSE. Game ends at 418.

I saw someone playing it on stream today and my heart sank every time he died. I'm sorry for you too.

One thing, if you wish to do another try, you can adjust the brightness in the desktop version's pause menu. It could help.

That being said, I really appreciate for playing.

I almost forgot to play this and it's good that I haven't.

I love the main menu, the approach the tutorials, the tone and the unsolicited leftist propaganda ^^

A VERY VERY solid entry. Congrats.

I'm addicted to that little omnomnom sound.

Dark Souls is nothing compared to this game when it comes to dofficulty :D 

I love the artstyle, and the variety of objects to pick up. You definitely put effort into this, good job.

Thanks a lot, saved this for later.

One more thing: glow effects would look cool in this game.


This is possibly the most unique entry. But a very difficult concept, because we describe, feel things differently. I feel like this could be a cool community game, sort of an artsy multiplayer. because (I guess) there are no good or bad ways to express emotions. I think you shouldn't let go of this idea, but think more about how this concept would fit in the game.

It would be interesting to see

This is a fun game and will need to find out how you made the "hook" mechanics because i will want to implement something similar in my game. 

Atmospheric and I LOVED drifting around :D I was the laziest trawler, i just kept doing doughnuts.

I will start with saying, I think this was the only entry so far (that I saw) that had perfect 5/5 accessibility options with the keybindings. Good job. You paid attention to having a proper menu, and everything, felt very polished.

The only issue was the bug where enemies don't attack. By the way, it would be ool if some enemies would not shoot but would try to push you in the black hole.

I also loved the minimalistic music. Great job, will follow you in case you fix that bug. :)