Nice idea! Currently it seems the optimal strategy is to camp near the spawnpoints and spam shots toward the opponent, since they seem likelier to bounce into them than back into yourself. Using the recoil to knock yourself over the spawnpoint for an immediate second shot feels fun at first but sort of strays away from the theme. The slow, deliberate controls also seem to work against the abundance of ammo and hectic bouncing.
A suggestion I have would be to disable the spawn points while the bullet it provided is still active on screen. Maybe the new spawn location could also move to where the bullet stops, adding a layer of risk/reward for getting close to bullets. With a fast enough shoot>evade>collect>shoot cycle, maybe you could even reduce the active bullet number down to Only One (TM) and still feel like a fun back-and-forth, though dodgeball seems like quite a popular direction already in this jam.
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