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luspr published a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game.
Prototype for a Puzzle Platformer
GhostRunners25 published a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
In this game you have to collect as many coins as you can without dying with enemies and cannons trying to kill you. Time moves with you in this game so you can plan ahead and avoid their attacks.
A downloadable game for Windows.
The story of 2 game developers who ran out of time while trying to make a game for a game jam. Based on a true story. (Update 20/02/18: Minor bug fixes) (Update 22/02/18: minor bug fixes & pause menu) (Update 01/03/18: Clearer instructions)
finjo published a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
- WASD / Arrow keys to move - Space bar/left click to attack - Attack enemies from the left or right - Defend the wall while fighting off enemies - Upon death, your son continues the fight with newfound strength - 30 seconds survived = 1 sk...
JacazzaJade published a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
This is a game jam entry for the GamesPlusJam #1 - it was made in 3 days Summary The time crystal has always been the force that keeps the linear timeline stable but after thousands of years, the crystal has been hit by a meteor and broken...
GentleCatStudio published a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Development build is a game where you platformer your way through 3 different build versions. This game was made for GPJam. Music:
gamesplusjames published a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Android.
Welcome to 'Time Out!' the 2 player trivia battling game! -Select a category -Select a game length -Select a topic -Each Player takes it in turns to give an answer -When you give an answer tap your side of the screen to start the other play...
A downloadable game for Windows.

First of all, sorry for all the skipped levels but this only shows how good this game is. It's too good. Very complicated and when you think you outsmarted the system, the echoes remind you that you didn't. Very good feature with echoes as 'helpers'. Didn't finisz the game because it would be rude of me to skip all the levels I'm too dumb to pass.

MonDieu72 published a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Time is short but luckily the clock on ticks when the player is moving. Beware that timephased monsters have invaded that will move when time stands still. Player must figure out a way past the monsters to grab the clock that stops time and...
ROBERT SMITH published a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
TIME TO PANIC You have 60 seconds until the time jump! Can you survive? Don't let those bastard wizards fall into the engine; crush their puny skulls with SCIENCE! Controls Left / Right Arrows - Move Up Arrow - Jump Space Bar - Rewind Time...
bluepinegames updated a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Updated page content. Added platform Windows.
SinGGedD published a FluFFy 6 years ago
A downloadable FluFFy for Windows.
Signals can be transmited almost any where even through voids and portals. ferbies are creatures that lived a long time ago in total peace never leaving thier universe, the furbies use signals as thier main comunication way , but one day th...
nlp123 rated a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.

Great game!!!!

GeneralJMan published a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.

A fun little maze game where you play as an old man that lost his marbles!

Shree56 published a game 6 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
A platformer game made in 12 hours for GamesPlusJam (Feb17 - 20, 2018). The theme was 'TIME'. You need to take the bouncy ball to the finishing line to complete the game. There are time powerups along the way which will give you bonus time...
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