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fiazovsky updated a game 127 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Updated title and page content.
Katuqui rated a game 209 days ago
A downloadable game.

Chubby Man is life

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Updated page content. Added platforms Windows, macOS, Linux.
1 new upload:
FlappyRocket.jar 1 MB
ben2box published a game 222 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android.
An endless runner based on what we imagine our Jedi's morning routine to be like. Beware. It's Dark Souls levels of impossible. Hitboxes are merciless. Fun fact: the voice clip when the player dies is as much a statement about the player's...
JaoSousa published a game 222 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
Space Invaders is a thrilling arcade-inspired game where you pilot a powerful spaceship to defend Earth against relentless alien spaceships. Your ship shoots fireballs while you can enjoy the stunning background of the stars. The allure of...
boxie3210 published a game 222 days ago
A downloadable game.
In an enchanted cave absent of green there lived Veggitaur, a vegetarian minotaur who cherished his beloved broccolis. Join the history of brave Veggitaur on his quest for broccoli supremacy. Can you beat every level and meet broccoli parad...
MiguelRosendo published a game 222 days ago
A downloadable game.
A downloadable game.

Awesome!!! It´s the best car game ever!! #SaiDaFrente #OhBoiiii

nunopinto published a game 222 days ago
A downloadable game.
Finally the "Ding" power belongs to you cadet, use it wisely to defeat the MC_ Bubbles. Be careful, don't let them get close to you or they'll make you do the evil Summarzier! - Team F Controls: Left / Right - Movement Spacebar - Shoot R -...
CabacoDeAco published a game 222 days ago
A downloadable game.
Made proudly by Team J, for codeforall gamejam. The brave cadets try to explore the ancient Academia de Código, after its rebranding but, had no idea what would haunt them in there. Controls: Up - W, Down - S; Choosing team - G for Gotham...
itzsmylle published a game 222 days ago
A downloadable game.
RUN JEREMIAH RUN Little Jeremiah is all alone with father Bryan at church. Father Bryan usually does some pretty peculiar rituals and Jeremiah is scared. Use the keys, A (left), S (down), D ( right) and W(up) to help little Jeremiah escape...
TheGreyOOPtimus published a game 222 days ago
A downloadable game.
This is a revival mood of 1972 pong game, present in most arcade game stores of the era. ENJOY
Chibi published a game 222 days ago
A downloadable game.
Meet Chubby Man! Pacman's cousin and Kirby's vegetarian twin-sibling! PANCAKES OR DEATH! A small group project we developed, resembling some famous games, but adding our lil' twist to it and some other kawaii characters, sounds and referenc...
DanielaDonia published a game 222 days ago
A downloadable game.
The good old snake game is really fun but imagine that you're being followed by the snake itself... and now imagine that you have become B.A. Baracus, one of the A-TEAM heroes... what do you get?! A crazy chase in which a cop car takes the...
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