This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-10-13 17:00:00 to 2023-10-22 22:59:00. View 19 entries


Code for All_ #4 <Game Jam> is the fourth installation of the games week in jam format.  Teams create a game page for their games and upload a downloadable jar for others to see and try out.

Game Page

Your game page should include screenshots and a description of how to play your game; the objective and what inputs the player needs to use. Feel free to customize it as much as you like!


Don't forget to try out other people's games and leave them a comment! What was your best highscore? Did you find any hidden bugs? What did you enjoy most about their game? Be active in the community!

Don't Forget

In order to make sure your game can run on different JVMs, make sure your build.xml has the source and target attribute during the compile task! Your game might work great on your computer and your friends, but refuse to run at all on someone else's. 

Also, do not forget to test your games on different computers to make sure the resources are loading properly.

๐ŸŒˆ ๐ŸŽฎ Good luck to everyone! We can't wait to see your submissions! ๐ŸŽฎ ๐ŸŒˆ


All submissions
Windows (9)
macOS (9)
Linux (7)
Android (1)

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Destroy all the cans in the code break, before you start slurring your words
Type fast and conquer the keyboard!
Not Pokemon at all
A project for <Code for all_> bootcamp!
The best master coder fight you ever see!
An endless runner based on what we imagine our Jedi's morning routine to be like.
Test your competitiveness, win stupid prizes!
Space invaders with additional mouse implementation