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Clovelt published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
Beat the level. Kill the player himself, controlling the enemies to earn points. Survive your own recording of the enemies. Repeat. Code/Animation José Gustavo Chico Palomares Art/Levels Daniel Matas Caballero SFX Ivan Usen
Kim published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
' Minuit's Downfall ' is our entry for the #FamiliarGamejamX #FGJX . It's a arcade/plataformer game where you will have to switch between two light modes, Red or Green, to make your path going down in the cave before the scary Cursed Monste...
alesegdia published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
Help Fluxus across the land of HalloXmas to find the pieces of the wrecked ship! The game was made in less time than the jam had, soit is very schematic and it has fewer levels than I would have wanted, but the idea is there.
Deebrol published a game 5 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Your brain is working hard trying to figure out what's its opinion about countless daily stimuli. Sometimes it has a very clear opinion, but it may change that opinion right afterwards. It's hard to work in one of the brain sides! Use KEYBO...
Tehenhauin published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Civil war exploded, each player is the general of each side. You need to be the victorious one before time ends. Be a good leader and you will win. Be a dishonorable leader and you will loose. ¡Keep a track on your loyalty! Game made by: I...
rVaquero published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
A game for a #FamiliarGameJamX · Team : - Pablo Bugarín - @Gekokeitaro1993 - Fernando de Luna - @fdeluna_ - Raúl Vaquero - @rvaquero82 Theme : Two Points of View. NOTE : Only for gamepad
sergeeo published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
¿Son los gatos una civilización potencialmente superior? ¿Sirve de algo licenciarse con nota en la universidad? ¿A qué sabe el paté de hamburguesa con queso? Cat City es un pequeño juego para Familiar Game Jam X, hecho en los pequeñ...