Thank you for the game!
I had a hard time figuring out how to make profit at the beginning, since game failed to teach me, that I save the ship from the previous run. But when I understood this basic principle, game have opened up to me and I've enjoyed it quite a bit!
I really liked the indirect control mechanic and how you can't change arrows that you've already placed. In combination with new obstacles occuring this created a really interesting dynamic and free-form spatial puzzle, where instead of one correct answer you look for different possible solutions.
With that said, though, random obstacles placement can create very unbalanced situations at times. In one run I got two docks on the straight line with no obstacles between them. In the second run I established a route that I was able to use completely safely for 10+ times, while on the third run a whirlpool appeared right on the crucial turn on my route, and all my ships turned in the wrong direction and smashed into iceberg. This randomness creates easy fun, but it also somewhat undermines the strategic challenge. Maybe, a 'rewind for X days' option would have balanced the chance factor and allowed more leeway for strategic thinking.
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