man... this is hard! XD but this is super cool. well done!
could you add an easy mode so that people like me can get past 30 seconds? :P
man... this is hard! XD but this is super cool. well done!
could you add an easy mode so that people like me can get past 30 seconds? :P
A bit too hard for my feeble non-macro brain ^^
But love that there's an rts game here, and one where you play the monsters too!
An awesome idea for an inverted Gauntlet game. I love the C&C angle and it's well implemented too. It is way too hard for me and my humble trackpad but an accomplishment nevertheless.
Cool game. The idea is solid and just needs some tweaking to make a very good game :).
Good job on getting your art assets done and adding music :). The map changing colour each time is also a nice touch. The title screen to play transition is really cool.
I kinda like the difficulty. Though, I did play some Starcraft Broodwar lol
A very easy level 1 would be nice just for letting brand new players figure out the rules/controls. -- Just 2 enemy spawners, spawning half a fast, something like that.
The current group movement is pretty good :) , but I wish they didn't get stuck when walking straight.
With some more development this could be a very fun single player RTS.
Ok, first, I would like to say that the concept is pretty cool.
But this is too hard in my opinion. Or maybe I just didnt understand what to do at all...
The heros simply don't stop appearing, and they come too fast to me to spawn the ghosts and point them to their bases.
I think that one way to make it easier would be to give some time before the heros start being summoned or maybe make the ghost spawn automatic.
The trick seems to be in the fact that enemies will follow your ghosts when they’re close instead of pressuring your base. So if you send them off immediately to the nearest enemy base and dance them around a bit you can capture it with only 2-3 ghosts used for the raid, leaving you free to respawn guards back at the first base.
Once you’ve captured your first base, you’ll be able to immediately place it and spawn more ghosts.
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